Citatele zilei – Employer Branding

Citatele zilei – Employer Branding

„An employer brand is in essence the two-way deal between an organisation and its people – the reason they choose to join and the reasons they choose – and are permitted – to stay. The art of employer branding is to articulate this deal in a way that is distinctive, compelling and relevant to the individual, and to ensure that it is delivered throughout the lifecycle of the employee within organisations” (Hellen Rosethorne)

„Your brand is what people say about you when you’ve left the room.” (Larry Ellison, care se referea la brandul personal, insa mi se pare o minunata extrapolare daca ne imaginam un interviu de selectie)

„Nothing will kill your reputation in the labor market faster than doing a great job advertising a work experience you don’t deliver.” (David Ogilvy)

Am lasat la urma ce-i mai bun, o definitie atat de cunoscuta, incat nimeni nu-i mai stie adevaratul autor:

An employer brand = „a set of attributes and qualities – often intangible – that makes an organisation distinctive, promises a particular kind of employment experience, and appeals to those people who will thrive and perform best in its culture”.